It can do a lot, from writing code and term papers to generating stunning graphical art pieces. For example, ChatGPT gets its information using advanced algorithms to create content in any style or format requested. However, you might be concerned about privacy with ChatGPT. You might worry about the data you enter and what becomes of it. So, here’s what you need to know to opt out of your data on ChatGPT.

Privacy and Security Risks of using ChatGPT

Using ChatGPT on your own to perform creative tasks like writing poems, solving math questions, or getting ideas with writing assignments are just a few areas where ChatGPT’s AI can come in handy and, honestly, poses very little in terms of privacy or security concerns. However, if you’re using ChatGPT to re-write confidential information or corporate data/communications, caution needs to be exercised. As part of our commitment to safe and responsible AI, we review conversations to improve our systems and to ensure the content complies with our policies and safety requirements. 6 – Will you use my conversations for training? Yes. Your conversations may be reviewed by our AI trainers to improve our systems.   So, whether it’s your own personal data or company secrets, is it possible to prevent your data from training the ChatGPT AI models?

OpenAI’s ChatGPT Opt-Out Request Form

It goes on to state that it removes personally identifiable information and it only uses a small sampling of data per customer. Still, you can and should opt-out if you have concerns about your data and privacy.

How to opt-out your Data on ChatGPT:

Remember that the request is submitted via Google Forms, and you should not include any passwords or other sensitive data. For more on OpenAI’s ChatGPT service, ensure you read through its privacy policy and the ChatGPT terms of use. In addition, while these AI bots are new and still finding their way into our lives, basic online security remains in effect. Don’t ever type in your personally identifiable data into the ChatGPT platform. We are unsure what this technology will do with your data while “improving” the service. So, no passwords, financial data, user names, personal pictures, or any other data you don’t want to be used. You never know what someone could ask ChatGPT and whether it will spit out your personal information.

Delete Your ChatGPT Account

While you can opt-out your data on ChatGPT, you also have the ability to delete your account and all your data as well.

To delete your ChatGPT account:

OpenAI will send a confirmation email when the account is deleted. Note that it can take up to four weeks for the deletion to be completed.

Staying Safe with AI and Online

ChatGPT can quickly generate content in virtually any style or format. However, it uses data it scrapes from the internet and your input to build the system out. Whether posting on social media, banking or using AI, ensure you do everything possible to keep yourself secure online. For more on staying secure, check out how to set Windows Security on Windows 11 for maximum protection. If you are on social media, look at these Facebook security settings you should fix right now. You also might want to learn about cyber security myths and protecting yourself. And one of the most important things you can do for online security now is to enable Two Factor Authentication everywhere it’s available. “OpenAI does not use data submitted by customers via our API to train OpenAI models or improve OpenAI’s service offering. In order to support the continuous improvement of our models, you can fill out this form to opt-in to share your data with us.” Recent development? Comment Name * Email *

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